Saturday, March 5, 2011


As my kids get ready to go visit some of our favorite wineries and winemakers up in Paso this weekend, just thought I'd throw the following down to think about.  Oh...and what are we doing while our kids are enjoying themselves?  Babysitting of course!  So I hope all who see them this weekend let them know what wonderful parents they have...

For all you history and wine buffs......
.....what is the connection between the Declaration of Independence conceived by the (2nd) Continental Congress of 1776 and the winemakers of Paso Robles?......Ahhhhhhh...gotchya there don't I?
Maybe it was the stars, maybe it was karma, maybe it was a result of the big bang theory, maybe it was when Jupiter aligned with Mars and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius...or maybe it was just one of those accidents of history that brought together the incredible minds of Jefferson, Hancock, Adams, Franklin, etc. to verbalize, visualize and create a never before thought of set of ideas and ideals that culminated in the Declaration of Independence.....and started the Great American Dream....which continues today in the Paso Robles Wine Country....

created by a similar set of circumstances and serendipity to bring together such incredible (and generally young) winemakers at this moment in history in one place, Paso Robles, to create and experiment with terroir and grapes and winemaking----names like Hawley, Yount, Fiorentini, Bowker, Smith, Hoage, Asseo...and all the other great Paso Wine Pioneers---who one way or another have found their way to Paso Robles to conceive of a wine like no other wine before.  Standing alone, blended, with the concept that no grape is created equal----and each individual grape and varietal has something unique and tantalizing to offer.

And what delight to this wine be part of the adventure and growth of the Rhone Rangers (as they are known) they taste, blend, change, conceive and create the new and exciting wine center of California.  With blends and varietals that create excitement and fireworks.

And......this is just the beginning

(If you like my posts...please become a follower....pass this site me...comment).  Cheers

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