Monday, May 26, 2014


How do you thank, so many wonderful friends, family members and acquaintances,
so many wonderful caring people
for their support
of a most important cause:
The EIF Revlon Run/Walk Against Women's Cancer

Team Double D's is thankful and humbled by YOUR support
and donations
We Want To Thank you

Our FUNdraising efforts got off to a great start
with a GREAT Wine event
Supported by these most amazing, dedicated, generous winemakers:

Alta Colina.....The Tillman Family
Caliza....The Bowker Family
Clos Solene....Guallaume and Solene Fabre
Daou Vineyards....Daniel Daou and team
Epoch.....Jordan Fiorentini and the entire Epoce team
Mitchella....Angela Mitchell
Nicora.....Nick Elliott
Onx....Jeff Streakas
Paix Sur Terre....Ryan Pease
Per Cazo....Lynne Teckman
Saxum....Justin and Heather Smith
Shai.....Shawn Halahamy
Torrin....Scott and Viquel Hawley
Vines on the Marycrest.....Victor and Jenni Abascal

Over $2000 was raised in a single afternoon with a silent auctions of these incredible wines...but THEN.....
the energy kicked in....and so did the donations...
from friends, friends of friends, relatives...until we reached the incredible total of
Thank you All!
Team Double D's

May 10th, 2014...the Revlon Walk Against Women's Cancer!

OLE! The Wines of Spain!

OH.....what a twist!  (And first, my apologies for posting this over a few weeks after the computer, new software, and not knowing how to download the pictures)!

Another wonderful (AKA Winederful) night of fun, friends, great wines and great food.....our wine group met at the home of Paul and Ellen!  And tonight's chosen wine category was:  SPANISH!  A twist from what is normally a California region or varietal!

As we arrive, ready to dance the Flaminco, test ourselves against Spanish Bulls, and search for The Impossible Dream.....we are greeted with a glass of wonderful bubbly to start the evening. was Italian Bubbly...but...that's close to

Gets us in the mood

By now you loyal readers know the drill.....we meet and and dine on appetizers.....set the mood.....and then..get serious....

And more yummies

The brown bags...numbered....poured one by one...sampled, tested and tasted and rated....

While....we eat and enjoy....and laugh and let's cut to the chase.....since pictures ARE worth 1000 words.....

The Group....minus photographer as usual

Of course we Paul is famous for pulling something old and rare from his cellar....that there will be, well, something old and rare that we will taste! (Keep this in mind later on).

And Mike has already declared:   He has researched what he brought two years ago at another Spanish night...which won!  And..since he has more....and it's aged a few years.....he's expecting to take top honors.

Jacquelin, Dana and Matt and Lynn and I are kind of...well...hoping to find something exotic, memorable and exquisite, since we know so little of Spanish wines!  So....let the eating and the tasting begin!  As Ellen has laid out a scrumptous Spanish meal for us all......everything you can imagine...No Bull!

After we have sipped and been sated, it's time to rate and review......and the wines tonight were:  (And please forgive the brief descriptions, as I really have no clue how to read these Spanish Labels)!

2004:  Vina Ardanza.....
2004:   Culmen Rioja....
2006:   Pago de Sangara
1998:  Rioja Vina Tondonia Blanco...wait!  A 1998>? and a WHITE?  Something OLD?  Something (very ) different?  Oh....we all know where THIS must have come from!.......and
2011:  Brao....young and bold....definitely not old.
The reds....all so different...and definitely testing our (California trained) pallet and taste.  The white....unfortunately, served last following all the a disadvantage to "win"...but definitely something different to wine!

YEP!  Paul's #1!!!

Finally.....all the wines scored's time to unwrap!   From "last" to "First"...and the revealed! And...its:
the 2011 BRAO!  And...WHAT a surprise THIS is...because....THIS is the wine...brought by Paul!  Something young, vibrant, different...but NOT from his cellar!  Paul now reigns supreme....and saves having to put his donation into the wine kitty!  WHAT a surprise to all......!  Cheers!

OLE!  Ellen, the Hostess

The evening complete, it will soon be time for the next wine night....sometime after vacations, etc.  It may be awhile...but we will all look forward to seeing who brings what...and..will Paul surprise again? Will he pick something old and rare, or something new and delightful?  One thing for sure.....everyone wines and wins at wine night!
